Friday, December 31, 2010

The Last Day of 2010

You must do the things you think you cannot do.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

The beginning of a new year couldn't have come at a better time for me. Although I should have the motivation to take care of myself and my life at any time throughout the year, being that the new year starts tomorrow gives me an extra push, a big push, to get things moving in the direction that I want them to.

Starting tomorrow, with the help of Crossfit Oahu and Courtney Johnson, I will be participating in a 60 day paleo challenge. This means eating a diet only of real food. I know in the long run this is going to benefit my body and health, but needless to say I am terrified about the side effects of cleaning out my system of the terrible diet I have had, basically my whole life. My body is addicted to sugar, in all forms. And it is not going to be happy without it.

But.. I must do this. I have spent 90% off the last year eating unhealthy and very little or no exercise. I feel and see the effects it has taken on my and my body. It's time to change. I want to be healthy and get back to where I was physically, and even then some.

I am going to try to do Crossfit 2 times per week and Bikram yoga 2x per week as well. At the moment.. I do nothing so that's a huge step. Terrified... is a simple way of putting it.

The most difficult part about doing all this is my lack of transportation, making everything I do take hours instead of short amounts of time. My days are going to be filled with traveling to and from places, as well as work of course. I will hopefully also be picking up a part time job, which will hopefully help me purchase a car.

All of this sounds so dreadful because of how tired I always am. But I know once I get on track with my eating, I will have plenty of energy to do all of these things every day... And I can't wait for that time to come!

BUT.. It is New Years Eve!! :) So I will be having a few drinks and eating what I please today... Could be the last time for a long time that I eat something so unhealthy..

Follow me for updates on how this is all going :)

Happy New Year! Cheers to 2011 being the year that changed my life!!


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