Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11


I am here on day 11 of my 60 day paleo challenge. I am only now starting to want other foods, sweets mainly. I would love some bread or pizza here or there, but I really just want ice cream or shave ice. OR some chocolate.  I am still doing pretty good holding back from that though. I had 1 acai berry covered in dark choc. :)

Another thing I am not sure about is how I feel. I feel..... exactly the same. I don't think I have even lost 1 pound. I am the same amount of tired every day that I used to be... Which is mainly.. always tired. I sleep 7-9 hours a night, pretty good sleep, but thats always normal. I am definitely eating less than I was before.. But healthy meals 3-4 times a day. Not a lot of fruit at all, and if I am eating it, it's in the morning. Probably not enough vegetables, but I am eating them almost every meal. Variety of proteins.

So... I guess I am a little frustrated. The motivation to stay on the diet, besides health, is results. Which I am seeing none of. I don't plan on quitting or changing anything, at least I MUST complete the challenge.. But I expected something by now :/

Going to start reading Robb Wolffs book soon and bought his cookbook too. Really need some recipes to spice things up.

Well... that's the update for now.. it's 1/11/11 :)

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