Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 19

Well, I haven't blogged for a while and I thought I would check in with my paleo status :)

I am on day 19 and doing well. I am not cheating or eating things I shouldn't. Problem is.. I still feel exactly the same as when I ate like crap. My insides MUST be cleaning themselves out and slowly getting better, but I feel the same. Tired a LOT even though I sleep 7-9 good hours every night.

This makes me worried that there's something else going on with me. I do feel like I have been tired since I was young, felt I have slept, or tried to sleep, since I got out of highschool. Always did my best to schedule naps with long lunch breaks and so on. Little worried about that and going to start looking into my health a little more.

BUT.. I am still paleo.. but very much looking forward to my 1st cheat meal at 30 days :) PIZZA!

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