Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cheat Meal

Well... I made it to my cheat meal day. In the middle of the month I was already salivating just thinking about my cheat meal.. Which was pizza. My most loved thing every. I've alwasy been obsessed with pizza and could eat it way too often haha. Anyways, I couldn't wait! I though about it day and night for over a week. As it got closer to my cheat meal day I wanted it a little less, which was SO weird. I even debated not eating one. I have 30 days left on my paleo challenge and if I was going to do one cheat meal I wanted it to be right in the middle of the challenge so my last 30 days will be clean and hopefully craving free.

I notice that I am already craving the bad carbs (bread, rice, pasta, etc) much less than ever in my life. I notice I want them most when I am hungry and there isnt something easy to easy handy.

I think having paleo food on hand is key to surviving this lifestyle I have chosen. I try to keep my fridge stocked as much as I can. And I don't ever leave the house without some sort of snack. Usually a baggie of mixed nuts, maybe a Paleo Kit, or even a tangerine just to have something. And I always like to carry water around too.

Eating this way I eat much less than ever before.. and I was a big eater. I loved to eat, I loved food and enjoyed eating it. I still do.. but I am satisfied and full with much less food.

I did my weigh in and measurements for my 30 day check in as well. Minus 7lbs and minus 2 1/2 inches! :) FABULOUS! That was GREAT motivation right there to make this last 30 days of the challenge successful and GREAT! :)

I really enjoy sharing what I know about the Paleo diet, as well as learning more so that I am more educated when people ask me the harder questions. And tons of them I don't know the answers to yet haha. I also find it self motivating to share what I do with others. I do get a little frustrated when people tell me I am wrong or say "fresh corn is so good for you, you don't know what your talking about Claire" or "soy is bad?! I don't think so.. meat is bad, it'll give you cancer you know" or "you eat bacon and you think you are healthy?!!" haha I love that last one.  I really want all my friends and family to eat like I do because I don't want to be the only healthy person left! And I want them to be healthy and live better lives. Especially my mom, dad and sister. Maybe they will listen someday, hopefully when it's not too late.

I've FINALLY got my website for my business up and running and I am SO excited!!
I would love any of your support to shop on my site.. And remember.. All you are doing there is saving money and helping support my business. Win/win right? :)

Check it out at

If you want a discount on your first purchase I would be more than happy to give you one, just shoot me an email at
And of course.. if you want to make money of this like I do, let me know as well.

I am so excited now as to what my future holds. The business and the diet... I am going to be AWESOME :) And dancing on the beach when I am 85 years old :)

Aloha everyone!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So I finally received my book in the mail, The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolfe. So much great :)

The beginning of the book REALLY set with me well because it talks about the healthy lifestyle of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Records show there were by far healthier than our recent ancestors, primarily the ones in the past 10,000 years or so, after the agricultural revolution. Archeologists can actually tell within minutes of looking at a skeleton found whether it was before or after the agricultural revolution just due to the health of the bones and teeth! MINUTES.. that's crazy. The naked eye can SEE the damage done to our body by whole grains, wheat, corn, soy, etc. It also talks about how our homo sapien ancestors "worked" 10-15 hours per week. Not the average 40-60 we work these days. Their work was hunting, gather, building shelter, making clothing, and probably a little escaping enemies.. like a loin perhaps? Basically the rest of the  week was spent relaxing, visiting with friends and family and recovering.

I found a few GREAT videos that someone created about paleo lifestyle in regards to 3 main things in our life. Food, Exercise and Sunshine. If you know me at all, I particularly enjoy the Sunshine video :) (watch it and you will see why)

1. Food -
2. Exercise -
3. Sunshine -

Check those out! May change your life!

Along the lines of what the paleo lifestyle believes, which I feel I have wanted to live like (not the lion escaping part of course) for many years.. I have realized it's not that easy to do in this day in age. MAINLY because of the need for TIME & MONEY. Basically those two things allow freedom.. whatever that means to you.

Freedom to me means many things... Buy a car, pay off my debt, buy better/healthier food product, take care of my parents financially, buy a house, have the time to enjoy every day, be healthy, workout regularly.

I have recently become an independent business owner! Yay me! I have an online website I am setting up and I will share this all with you shortly as I am still setting it up. But this opportunity is going to give the the freedom I need.. meaning, the time and money.

And ultimately, this will allow me to live the hunter-gatherer lifestyle that I need and want to survive and thrive in this crazy world we live in.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 19

Well, I haven't blogged for a while and I thought I would check in with my paleo status :)

I am on day 19 and doing well. I am not cheating or eating things I shouldn't. Problem is.. I still feel exactly the same as when I ate like crap. My insides MUST be cleaning themselves out and slowly getting better, but I feel the same. Tired a LOT even though I sleep 7-9 good hours every night.

This makes me worried that there's something else going on with me. I do feel like I have been tired since I was young, felt I have slept, or tried to sleep, since I got out of highschool. Always did my best to schedule naps with long lunch breaks and so on. Little worried about that and going to start looking into my health a little more.

BUT.. I am still paleo.. but very much looking forward to my 1st cheat meal at 30 days :) PIZZA!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I am babysitting right now and I am watching the kids eat cookies, after I just made them spaghetti. Boy would it be nice to have a few bites of those. My cravings arent terrible or unbearable.. But it's actually getting harder to watch people eat unhealthy stuff, rather than easier. It has only bee 12 days though.. So we will keep going. Apparently within 2-3 weeks my body will start using the fat as energy, not the sugars or leftover sugars.. Anxiously awaiting that..

That's all I have to say for today.. I want a cookie..

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11


I am here on day 11 of my 60 day paleo challenge. I am only now starting to want other foods, sweets mainly. I would love some bread or pizza here or there, but I really just want ice cream or shave ice. OR some chocolate.  I am still doing pretty good holding back from that though. I had 1 acai berry covered in dark choc. :)

Another thing I am not sure about is how I feel. I feel..... exactly the same. I don't think I have even lost 1 pound. I am the same amount of tired every day that I used to be... Which is mainly.. always tired. I sleep 7-9 hours a night, pretty good sleep, but thats always normal. I am definitely eating less than I was before.. But healthy meals 3-4 times a day. Not a lot of fruit at all, and if I am eating it, it's in the morning. Probably not enough vegetables, but I am eating them almost every meal. Variety of proteins.

So... I guess I am a little frustrated. The motivation to stay on the diet, besides health, is results. Which I am seeing none of. I don't plan on quitting or changing anything, at least I MUST complete the challenge.. But I expected something by now :/

Going to start reading Robb Wolffs book soon and bought his cookbook too. Really need some recipes to spice things up.

Well... that's the update for now.. it's 1/11/11 :)